S 1497

c. A.D. 990 x 1001. Will of Æthelgifu, including bequests of land at Westwick (in St Albans), Gaddesden, Herts.; Langford, Clifton, Beds.; Munden, Standon, Offley, Tewin, Herts.; Weedon, Bucks.; London; Watford, Herts.; and Thrope; the beneficiaries including St Albans Abbey and (? the churches of) Hitchin, Braughing and Welwyn, Herts. English and Latin versions.

Archive: St Albans

MSS: English
1. Princeton, University Library, Scheide Library MS M140 (s. x/xi; BA Facs. 15; Whitelock et al. 1968)
2. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, MS 7965-73 (3723), 166r-167r (s. xvii)

3. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royal, MS 7965 (3723), 165v-166r (s. xvii)
4. BL Cotton Nero D. i, 152r (s. xiii)

Printed: English
Whitelock et al. 1968, ex MS 1, with translation

Latin (all ex MS 4)
Watts, Additamenta, pp. 243-4; K 410; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 226 (no. 12); Thorpe, pp. 497-9; Luard, Additamenta, pp. 12-15; B 812; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, no. 85.

Comments: Fowler 1920, no. 5; PN Beds., p. 169; Whitelock et al. 1968, original; Finberg 1972, pp. 497-8; Brooke and Keir 1975, p. 368, cited; Hart, ECNE, no. 11A (p. 66), original; Gelling, ECTV, no. 171 (pp. 18-19, 85-6, 113), original; Keynes 1980, p. 187 n. 115; Pelteret 1986, p. 483; Wormald 1988, no. 65; BA Facs., p. 6; Dumville 1993, p. 30 n. 101, cited with reference to script; Keynes 1993, p. 268, on MSS 2, 3: Keynes 1993/2, p. 305, on history of MS 1; Lowe 1993/1, on vocabulary; Dumville 1994, p. 146 n. 75, cited; Pelteret 1995, pp. 112-19, 129, 300, 330-4, queries details of Whitelock's interpretation; Faith 1997, pp. 63, 168, cited.

Notes: MSS 3 and 4 are a Latin abstract of the vernacular text, into which has been incorporated the witness-list and concluding paragraph of a lost Latin diploma of King Edmund (see StA 1). These interpolations also occur in MS 2.

De Standune. De offanlege.
De Gatesdune. 7 Westwike. 7 aliis opib;
Ætheliua. Sco Albano.

+ æþelgifu cyð hire cwide hire cynehlaforde 7 hire hlæfdian 7 hire freondon hwæt hio gode wile don hwæt hire hlaforde hwæt hire freondon þæt is hyre hlaforde þam cynge .xxx. mancessa goldes. 7 twegen stedan þe him to beodonne bioð 7 mine headerhundas 7 mire hlæfdian .xxx. mancessa goldes 7 þæt lond æt westwicum swa gewered 7 þæt lond æt gætesdene into sancte albane on þa gerad þæt æfra þa munecas his brucan gemænsumlice?a 7 xxx. mancessa goldes 7 xxx. oxana. xx. of gætesdæne 7 x. of acyrsce 7 xx. cuna .x. of gætesdene .x. of acyrsce 7 drifo mon þæt ongen hire lic 7 oðer healf hund sceapa of langaforda .l. ewna mid heora lambum 7 .l. gyldscepa 7 æt acyrsce ane heorde swina. 7 þæne heorde mid. 7 frige mon of þam tune ymman 7 ealdelm. 7 wulfhelm. 7 his bearn. 7 siwynne gingran sunu. 7 þa oðre ealle into sancte albane. 7 twa sealfrene cuppan 7 twegen hornas 7 ane boc 7 þæt betste wahrift 7 þæt betste setrægl for hio; 7 for hire hlafordes sawle; æt gætesdene fryoge mon eadmund 7 his sunu 7 heahulf 7 ea'd'wig.?b æþelwine 7 his wif selle mon æþelstane. 7 freoge mon hira cild. 7 freoge mon heora cild; wynstan 7 heremod 7 cuðmundes dohter 7 osmund 7 his wif into sancte albane. 7 þæt land æt langaforda ælfnoðe his dæg. 7 v. men 7 mangod 7 mantat freo.?c . 7 wine mylnere 7 þæs swanes sunu 7 wif 7 þone gingran sceaphyrde hæbbe æ'l'fnoð 7 cc. sceapa .c. hund ewna 7 c. geldsceapa 7 þa heorde swina 7 an sylhða oxana 7 iiii. oxan on þa gerad þe he selle ælce gære into hyccan. þreo dægfeorma 7 ofor his dæg þæt land æt langaforda æt langaforda into hyccan 7 leofwine mire swyster suna þæt lon æt cliftune him 7 eadric 7 his wif 7 freoge mon heora cild; 7 l. ewna mid heora lombum into hiccan of langaforda 7 l. sceapa into bedaforda 7 xxx to flittan 7 xx. to æsceswellan 7 x to heanhlæwe butan hio feoh hæbbe geþence mon þa nehtwæccan mid þam oforeacan 7 hire preoston 7 þa healfan hide þe wineman ahte into þære cyrcan 7 freoge mon eadwine preost 7 hæbbe he þa cyrcan his dæg on þa gerad þe he hi?d abotege 7 selle him man anne mannan 7 freoge man ufic 7 þone fullere byrhstanes swustur into standune eadwine on þa gerad þe heo 7 hire hlaford habban ælce gere on ælcere wucan .iii. mæssan 7 a heora gebedrædenne arære 7 freoge man tiddulf 7 bogan 7 domic 7 his wif 7 siric 7 his steopdohtur. 7 ælfwyðe hæbbe eadwine freo 7 hire cild 7 þæs mylneres wif 7 hire cild gif þær oforeaca sy; dæle hit mon hire hirede; þæt lond æt mundene hæbbe alfwold his dæg?e on þa gerad þe he selle ælce lengtene to brahingum. vi. mittan mealtes 7 þær meolo to 7 fisc 7 's'wa micel into welingum 7 to ægðeran mynstere .iiii. swin to mærtines mæssan 7 hæbbe twa sylhða oxana 7 iiii. wæpmen oswig 7 his wif 7 cinesige 7 his wif 7 fr'eo'ge mon heora cyld 7 brihtwine 7 godere 7 his heord; selle man to heortfordingabyrig .iiii. oxan 7 to welingum .iiii. of þam tune 7 ælfwolde .x. cy. gif þær eaca sy; selle mon manne .ii.; 7 freoge mon bogan 7?f his hiwisc eal. 7 winsige 7 his wif 7 man 7 his wif 7 dufan þa ealdan 7 æþeldryðe 7 þæt lond æt mundene ofor ælfwoldes dæg sille hit mon healf into brachingum healf into welingum 7 hie singan ælce gere xxx. mæssan. 7 þæt lond æt standune leofsige. 7 selle man to brachingum .iiii. oxsan 7 .ii. cy þanan of 7 freoge man eatstan swan 7 healde his sunu þa heorde 7 freoge man elles þæt hiwisc 7 grim 7 his wif 7 eadgiðe 7 eadflæde 7 byrnferð 7 wulfrune 7 byrnstan se swan 7 hæbbe leofsige þæne gingran swan 7 þa heorde þe eatstan healt 7 selle man þær of tune wulfrice huntan. ii. oxsan. 7 twa cy 7 hæbbe leofsige eal þæt oðer his dæg 7 æfter his dæge sylle hit man alfwolde ofor heora dæg into sancte albane 7 hy gesingon?g f hy?h 7 for hire hlafordes s'a'wle ælce gere xxx. mæssana. 7 xxx. saltera. 7 æfre þa munecas his brucen gemenelice; selle man leofsige þæt land æt offanlege 7 eal þæt seo boc tæcð. 7 þæt lond æt twingum him to swinlande on þa gerad; þe he gefeormige of þam twam tunum þone hired æt sancte albane .iii. dagas ælce gere oððe xvi. mittan mealtes 7 .iii. melwes 7 anne sester huniges 'of' offanlege mid þam lonfeo.?i 7 viii. weþeras 7 vi. lomb 7 an slegeryþer 7 xxx. cysa. 7 of standune anne oman wines 7 xx. cysa 7 vi. swin 7 an hryðer?j 7 nyme man of æghwilcum tune to þam þryttyguþan dæge gelice mycel ge of gædesdene?k ge of eallum þam oþrum þe þær on lande sint; 7 freoge man æt offanlege cyneleofe 7 mærtin 7 his wif 7 deormod 7 his wif 7 bryhtware 7 þeodilde 7 wulfstan æt cocerenho 7 hys stwegyn suna 7 hys steopdohtur 7 þæt land æt weodune hæbbe leofsige on þa gerad þæt he ælce geare læde ane tunnan fulle ealoð for hire fæder sawle 7 hir mo'do'r 7 hire broðor 7 for hy selfe 7 for hire hlaford 7 gel þæt þærto gebyrge gif he bearn hæbbe selle hit him gif he næbbe selle hit on his riht cyn 7?l freoge man leofric æt weowdune 7 ælfric 7 byrhtelm 7 his sweostor. 7 þæt land æt offanlege selle his cilde gif he cild næbbe be rihtwife selle hit mon into sancte albane butan þam lande þe tatulf on sit 7 æþelferð 7 æþelswið selle mon þæt ælfgyfe hire hlafordes dohtur gif heo libbe gif heo ne lybbe selle hit mon into sancte albane 7 singe man ælce gere .xxx. mæssena. 7 xxx. saltera feor hy 7 f hire?m hlafordes sawle 7 heo bit hire hlæfdian hyre to ælmessan þæt þu hine bewite 7 he mote fylgan þam æþelinge 7 ne geþafige þæt hine ænig man bereauige his landa 7 þæt ðu hyne hate scridad?n of þam lande 7 ælfwolde þone hagan healfne on lundanne 7 ælfhege healfne 7 ælfgife selle man ane heorde swina æt gætesdene 7 þone gingran swan 7 wegen men þæt to. 7 leofwine mire swustur sunu selle mon þa heorde þe brihtelm heold 7 his ginra sunu 7 wulfstan 7 his wif. 7 selle man leofrune mire mægan þæt land æt wadforda 7 æt weodune .ii. men 7 viii. oxsan. 7 hire sadulgerædo 7 hire cuppan 7 hire hornas buton hio hit ær agifen hæfde 7 þæt lond æt watforda ofor hire dæg hire dehter godwife æt þæt lond æt þrope selle ofor hire dæg innan hire agen cyn on þa gerad þe heo selle hire wed 7 ælc yrre forgife. 7 heo na?o mare ne bidde. gif heo nelle dæle hit man?p hire cildon 7 wulfwunne mire mægan ane bledu 7 anne preon 7 an wahrift 7 an sethregl 7 eal betstow swylce heo þærto betst hæfð. 7 hire rotostan cyrtel 7 wulfmære?q hire mæge þa læssan seolfrenan cuppan 7 ceorfe man of hire bende witsige v mancessas buton heo hit ær gedon hæfde 7 v. leofwine wulfmæres suna 7 v. wulfmære mire swustur sunu 7 v. godwife 7 fv.?r ælfgife mire swustor dohtor. 7 selle mon beornwynne minne blæwenan cyrtel is neaþene unrenod 7 hire betstan heafodgewædo 7 selle man lufetate 7 ælfgifu 7 godwife. hire .iii. godwebbenan cyrtlas. 7 wulfgife selle mon oðera hire?s dunnan cyrtla. 7 syðþan dælen hiredwifmen þæt oðer him betwinum 7 selle man leofsige .iii. wahrift swylce þær þonne bet sint. 7 ii. sethrægl 7 ii. betstow 7 dæle godwif 7 ælfgifu þa oðra him betwinum 7 hira ægþer .ii. mydercan 7 leofsige hire ferdwæn 7 fo him siðþon to eallum þam staðule 7 sitte þæron. 7 freoge mon man hire goldsmið 7 his eldestan sunu 7 þone ginstan 7 his wif 7 wulfrices wif þæs huntan 7 hira cild 7 ælfwaru heora dohtur on þæt gerad þe heo singe ælcere wucan .iiii. sealtereas binnan .xxx. nihtan 7 on xii. mo'n'ðum. ælcere wucan sealtere 7 freoge mon leofrune on þæt ilce rad 7 æþelflæde. 7 freoge mon liofing æt heanhlæwe 7 hæbbe his land on þæt gerad þe he .l.e?t gare?u gemune hy 7 hyre hlaford 7 freoge mon mannes cnapan 7 heo byt for godes lufon þæt mon of þære manlafe of munde'ne' 7 æt gætesdene 7 of langanforda þæt man selle wulfrice 7 his wife .ii. men 7 manne 7 his wife .ii. 7 selle mon georie preoste dufan sunu æt mundene. freoge mon þæne sceaphirde 7 hæbbe alfwold þa dægan 7 gemune mon æþeric hire godsunu mid suman men 7 selle mon æþelwearde preoste þæne læssan sceaphirde 7 hæbbe ælfnoð?v godere ogen þæt 7 selle mon gundbuþe æþelferþes sunu se healta?w cnapa 7 bogan hire preoste finde him mon of þære lafe anne gionne mannan gif þær sy gif ne?x selle mon of offanlege ane cu 7 hæbbe leofsige?y æþelwynne 7 siðemon 7 his wif 7 æþewine 7 his wif 7 freoge mon hira cild 7 dudewine [Æl]fgif[e]?z hire magan cynewynne dohtor.?a2 7 godwife eadwynne?b2 7 byrnflæde butan heo sealf heo frige 7 hire oðor selle. Eall se freot 7 eall seo ælmesse?c2 þe her gecweden is hyo wile þæt hit beo heore ælmessa for þon hit wæron hire hlafordes begeto. 7 heo bit hire cynehlaford him to ælmissan for his cynescipe for godes lufan 7 for sancte marigan þæt git ne læton nænne monnan, mid feo hire cwide awendan. leof hit becwæð hire hlaford hire to sellanne þam þe hyo wolde þe ne gelefde hire. hire hlafordes magas þa lædde heo að to hyccan. .xx. hund aða þær wæs ælfere on 7 ælfsige .ld?d2 7 byrnric wæs þa gerefa 7 ealle þa yldestan men to bedanforda. 7 to heortforda 7 heora wif. Ufonan?e2 þone cwide 7 þær?f2 þa of ærdo.de?g2 eadelm hire hlafordes swustur sunu hire lond hire æt standune þa sohte ic þæne cing 7 gesealde hym .xx. punda þa agef he me myn lond on his unþonc. Heo ne anbit na hyre cynehlaforde ne hire hlæfdian ac gif hwa bidde þæt ðes cwide standan ne mote wurðe he aworpen on þa wynstran hand þonne se hælend his?h2 dom deme 7 he wurðe gode swa lað swa iudas wæs þy hyne selfne aheng buton hio hit get self?i2 awende. 7 þa ne lybben þe hit nu becweden ys:-

Latin Text from Whitelock 1968

Rubric: Hec carta loquitur de gatesdene et de reliquis.

Ego Æthelgiue aperio domino meo regi. 7 regine domine mee. 7 omnibus amicis meis. quomodo testamentum meum dispono. Id est inprimis domino meo regi. xxx. mancusas auri. 7 duos equos. 7 omnes canes meos. & domine mee regine. xxx. mancusas auri. 7 terram westwicam. & sancto Albano terram que uocatur gætesdene. eo tenore ut fruantur ea fratres communiter. 7 xxxta. mancusas auri. 7 xxx. boves. xx. de gætesdene. 7 decim de acersce. 7. xx. uaccas. x. de gætesdene. 7. x. de acersce. 7 ccl. oues. 7 gregem porcorum 7 subulcum cum ipsis. 7 duos sciphos argenteos. 7 duo cornua. 7. i. librum. 7 unam cortinam. 7 unum bancale concedo cum consensu domini mei regis. & illam terram apud longaforde ælfnoto dies suos. eo tenore ut singulis annis det ad hiccam pastum trium dierum. 7 post dies suos supradictam terram. & leofwino nepoti meo unam hidam apud cliftune. 7 illam dimidiam quam winemannus habuit. & ælfwoldus terram mundene dies suos habeat. eo tenore quod dabit annis singulis in quadragesima ad brahcingum sex modios de brais. 7 ad hoc farinam 7 pisces. 7 tandundem ad wellingum. 7 ad singula monasteria quattuor porcos ad festiuitatem sancti Martini. 7 post obitum suum medietatem terre supradicte ad brahcingum. 7 medietatem ad welingum; Et leofsinus habeat Standune. & post ipsum & ifwoldus.?2 7 post mortem amborum sanctus Albanus predictam terram habeat. pro suis animabus dominorumque suorum. Et leofsius terram offanlege 7 omne quod liber docet. 7 terram tiwingum ad porcos sibi nutriendos. eo tenore ut annis singulis pro firma de istis duabus uillis omnem congregacionem sancti Albani tribus diebus pascat. aut pro firma dabit hoc quod ego testificata sum testimonio optimatum domini mei. Et terram apud weodune. 7 pro illa similiter faciat quod testificata sum. Et terram offanlege dabit filio suo si de desponsata muliere filium habet. sin autem; dabitur sancto Albano. preter illam ubi tatulwus?3 sedet. 7 æþelferdus & æþelswið. illa dabitur filie domine sue ælfgiue si adhuc vivit. si non; tota sancto Albano reddatur; & alfwoldus medi(e)tatem terre apud lundoniam habeat. 7 filius eius ælfheah medietatem. & dabitur leofrune terra watford. 7 apud weotune. duos homines. 7 octo boues. 7 cetera. Ego Æduuardus rex concessi. + Ego þeodredus presul. + Ego ælfhelgus. pontifex. + Ego wulgarus. episcopus. + Ego ælfricus. antistes. + Ego burgricus. episcopus. + Ego wulsius. episcopus. + Ego ælfredus. episcopus. + Ego wulfhelmus. episcopus. + Ego æþelgarus. episcopus. + Ego Irenwaldus.?5 episcopus. + Ego wulfhelmus. episcopus. + Ego Irynsius.?5 episcopus. + Ego æþelwaldus. episcopus. + Eowul subregulus. + Eadgarus 7weling.?6 + Wulgarus comes. Ego oda archiepiscopus. + Ethelstanus. + dux. Eþelwaldus. + dux. Eþelmundus. + dux. Alhelmus. + dux. Eþelstanus. + dux. Eadricus. + dux. Vhtredus. + dux. Acule.?4 + dux. Haldene. + dux. Hi omnes subscribentes. donum regis roborabant. Quinquaginta nomismata auri cocti. æþelricus dedit ualde letus largo regi cyrtlinctune. clata?7 mente. ut gæterdena?8 permaneret sancto Albano. magnis rebus ac modicis fruentibus monachis confirmata. Qui hoc contradixerit; anathema sit.

Witness List to Latin Abstract from Bollandist MS 157 (S 1497 MS 3)

Ego Eadmundus rex consensi.
Ego Oda Archiepiscopus
Ego Wulfstanus Archiepiscopus
Ego Theodorus Presul
Ego Ethelgarus Pontifex
Ego Wulgarus Episcopus
Ego Elfricus Antistes
Ego Burgricus Episcopus
Ego Wulsius Episcopus
Ego Elfredus Episcopus
Ego Wulfhelmus Episcopus
Ego Ethelgarus Episcopus
Ego Konwaldus Episcopus
Ego Wulfhelmus Episcopus
Ego Kynsius Episcopus
Ego Ethelwaldus Episcopus
owol subregulus.
Eadgarus Etheling
Wulgarus Comes
Ethelstanus dux
Ethelwaldus dux
Ethelmundus dux
Aethelmus dux
Ethelstanus dux
Eadricus dux
Uthtredus dux
Acule dux
Haldene dux