S 1448

? A.D. 963. Æthelwold, bishop, to St Peter's, Medeshamstede (Peterborough); record of gifts including land at Medeshamstede, Anlafestun; at Farcet and Whittlesey Mere, Hunts.; at Oundle and Kettering, Northants.; and at Well (cf. Outwell, Upwell, Welney, Cambs. and Norfolk); tithe from the double hundreds of Normancross, Hunts., and of Nassaborough, Northants., and from Maxey, Ashton, Nunton and Pilsgate in Barnack, Northants.; with stock at Yaxley, Hunts. English.

Archive: Peterborough

MSS: London, Soc. Ant. 60, 39v-40v (s. xii med.)

Printed: Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 382 (no. 8); Kemble and Rock 1863, pp. 365-6; Thorpe, pp. 243-4, incomplete, with translation; B 1128; Robertson, Charters, no. 39 (pp. 72-5), with translation.

Comments: PN Hunts., pp. 185, 191; Robertson, Charters, pp. 325-30; Hart, ECEE, no. 13, authentic; King 1973, p. 7; Hart, ECNE, no. 7, authentic, dates c. 971 x 984, cf. p. 326; O'Donovan, Sherborne, p. 46; Kennedy 1995, p. 138 n. 28; Pelteret 1995, pp. 169, 323, on details of terminology.

Þis synd þa madmas þe Adeluuold bisceop sealde into þam mynstre þe is Medeshamstede gehaten Gode to loue 7 sancte Petre . his saule to alysednesse . þæt is þonne an Cristes boc mid sylure berenod . 7 .iii. rode eac mid sylure berenode .ii. sylurene candelsticcan . 7 .ii. ouergylde . 7 .i. sylurene storcille . 7 .i. æren . 7 .i. sylurene waterfet . 7 .ii. sylurene bellen . 7 .iiii. silurene calices .iiii. patenan . 7 syluren pipe . 7 .vi. masse hacelan . 7 .iiii. cæppan . 7 .i. roc . 7 .viii. stolan . emfela 'h'andlina . 7 .xi. subumbrale . 7 .ii. pistolclaþas . 7 .iii. corporale . 7 .iii. offrincsceatas . 7 .xviiii. albæn . 7 .iiii. pælles . 7 .ii. linenweb to albæn . 7 .ii. blace rEgl cEsternisce . 7 vi. uuahryft . 7 .viiii. setreil . 7 .x. hangiende bellan .vii. handbellan . 7 .iiii. bedreaf . 7 .vi. hornas .iiii. gerenode . 7 .viii. sylfrene cuppan . 7 .ii. gegylde weofodsceatas. And antwentig is þara boca þe Adeluuold biscop gesealde into Burch . þæt is þonne Beda in Marcum . Liber miraculorum . Expositio Hebreorum nominum . Prouisio futurarum rerum . Augustinus de achademicis . Vita sancti Felicis metrice . Sinonima Isidori . Vita Eustachii . Descidia Parisiace polis . Medicinalis . De duodecim abusiuis . Sermo super quosdam psalmos . Commentum cantica canticorum . De eucharistia . Commentum Martiani . Alchimi Auiti . Liber differentiarum . Cilicius Ciprianus . De litteris Grecorum . Liber bestiarum. Her is geswitelung hwet landum wes þe Adeluuold biscop betehte his dryhtene into Medeshamstede þa he hit mid munecum gesette . þat is þonne ærest Medeshamstede . 7 ta berewican þa þarto heren . 7 Anlafestun . 7 þam berewican þarto. Þonne 'is æt' Farresheafde .xvi. weorcwurðe men . 7 .viii. iunge men . 7 Witlesmere 'h'alfendel. Þonne is Vndelum 7 to berewicum þarto gebyreð . Þonne is Keteiringan. Þonne sind þa fennas þe he bohte 'æt Æalsige 7 æ[t] Vfige' manige æt Wellan . mid .xiii. oran. Of þam twam hundredum þe secæð into Normannescros man ageaf to tioðunge into Medeshamstede feorð healf hund æcere sed . 7 .xxiii. æcera clenes wetes. Of þam twam undredum ute o'n' þam nesse þe Medeshamstede onstent man ageaf of six tunan swa man ær simle dide tioþunge æt ælcere sylh an foðer cornes þe eahte þreues cornes on weron. Þonne letan þa tioþunge of þan .xxiiii. tunan man ageald to mynstre twa hund æcera sæd 7 .iii.. Of Macuseige fourtene æcer sed tioþunge. Of Æsctune tioþunge healf fourtende æcer sed . 7 .v. georde sed. Of Nunnetune .vi. æcer sed . 7 .v. giorde sed tiþunge. Of þan oþren Macuseige . to Tioþunge .viiii. æcer sed. Of Æstune to tiþunge . healf .xviii. æcer sed . 7 .xiiii. giorde sed . 7 .iii. roda sed. Of Pilesgete tioþunge .vi. æcer sed. Þis is þætæt erfgewrit æt Geaceslea . þryttene wepmen weorcewyrþe . 7 .v. wimmen . 7 æhta geonge men . 7 .xvi. oxan . fal'd'reþere . 7 .iii. hund scepa 7 .v. scep . 7 .xxx. swina . 7 hundteongig fliccena 7 eal þa smean ðe þerto gebyriað . 7 .xxx. forþer cornes . 7 hundehtetig æcera gesawen . 7 an egþwirf . 7 .vi. bidenfate . 7 .ii. cuflas . 7 . þry trogas . 7 lead 7 trefet . 7 .ix. winterstellas . 7 .i. fedelsswin. Þa Ætheluuine aldorman 7 Ealdulf biscop sealdan Æthestane 7 Alfwolde for Iacesle 7 Faresheued þone latostan pEnig for þan lande into Burch . þa weron þer feste'r'men . Frana . 7 Æthelsige . þes ealdormannes eam . 7 Osferð Fryðegistes sune . 7 Ælfnoð Badan sunu . 7 Sumerlyda preost.