S 992
A.D. 1033 x 1035. Writ of King Cnut declaring that his priests in St Paul's minster shall be entitled to judicial and financial rights as fully and completely in all things as ever they had them in any king's day. English.
Archive: London, St Paul's
MSS: London, St Paul's, D. & C., Liber B, 20v (s. xii; lost)
Printed: Dugdale, St Paul's, p. 190, ex MS; Mon. Angl., iii. 304, ex MS; Dugdale, St Paul's, Appendix, p. 13; K 1319; Thorpe, p. 319; Harmer, Writs, no. 53, ex Dugdale.
Comments: Adams 1876, p. 44, evident forgery; Harmer, Writs, pp. 239-40, 468-9, authenticity uncertain, may have been tampered with; Gelling, ECTV, no. 236, authentic basis; Nightingale 1987, p. 565; Lawson 1993, p. 66 n. 29, pp. 155, 163 n. 10, doubtful authenticity; Crosby 1994, pp. 313-14.
Ic Cnud cyng grete mine biscopes 7 mine eorles 7 ealle mine þegenas on ðan sciran ðær mine preostas on S. Paules mynstre habbað land inne freondlice, 7 ic ciþe eow þæt ic wylle þæt hig beon heora sace here 7 socna weorðe, tolles 7 teames, binnan tid 7 buton tid, 7 swa full 7 swa forþ swa hig hæfdon on æniges cynges deage fyrmest on ællan ðingan, binnan burh 7 butan, 7 ic nelle geþafian þæt nan man æt ænigum þingan heom misbeode. Þyses is to gewitnesse: Ægelnoð arcebiscop 7 Ælfric arcebiscope 7 Ælwi biscop 7 Ælfwine biscop 7 Duduce biscop 7 Godwine eorl 7 Leofric eorl 7 Osgod Clape 7 Thored 7 oþre genoge. God hine aweorge þe þis awænde.