S 898

A.D. 1001. King Æthelred to Clofi; grant of 25 hides (mansi) at Long Itchington and Arley, Warwicks. Latin with English bounds.

Archive: Coventry

MSS: BL Cotton Aug. ii. 22 (s. x/xi; BM Facs,, iv. 12)

Printed: K 705.

Comments: PN Warwicks., p. 123 n., on bounds of Arley, pp. 133-4 n., on bounds of Long Itchington; Sisam 1953, pp. 148-9 n. 3; Stenton 1955, p. 74, authentic, unusual structure; Hart, ECEE, p. 193, original; HRH, p. 232, subscriptions are consistent, probably original; Hart, ECNE, no. 68, original, subscriptions of two æthelings are later additions; Keynes 1980, p. 125 n. 135, p. 135 n. 171, p. 257, original; Hooke 1980-1, map of bounds; Keynes and Lapidge 1983, pp. 224-5, on script; Dumville 1994, p. 161 n. 151, slightly old-fashioned script, cf. also S 892; Hooke 1996, pp. 106, 111-12, with map.

þis is þara .xxv. hida boc þe Æþelred cyngc gebocode . Yceantun . Clofige his þegne a on ece erfe . to geofenne 7 to geldenne ær dæge 7 æft dæge ðæm þe him leofest seo;

+ Px In nomine excelsi tonantes cuius nutu et miseratione a pio patre preditus . Ego Æþelred rex totius insule cum consensu et licentia optimatum meorum aliorumque meorum fidelium . Dabo et libenti animo concedo . Clofie . quandam ruris particulam hoc est .xx.v. mansos in loco quem ruricoli uocitant . æt Yceantune . in hereditatem perpetuam et semper liber permaneat notis et ignotis magni ac modicis ad habendam et tradendam qualicumque uoluerit relinquat . ab omni tributo et seruitute regali nisi constructione pontis . et arcis edificatione et hostium expeditione. Actum est autem hoc mee concessionis donum. Anno dominicae incarnationis . Mille .i. indictione .xiiii. Istis terminibus circumcincta ista terra.

Æryst of stanforda ondlong sices on þone stan 7 þonan on þone ælrenan stob of þam stobbe on mid þone mere of þam mere in ycenan up ondlong ycenan to cærssan wyllan of cærssan willan in þone ælrenan stob 7 þonan on þa hehan æc on wulluht grafe middum of þære æc to þæm wiðin bedde 7 þonan to sic hlawe of þæm hlawe to þæm lytlan hlawe 7 þonan to haran mere of haran mere to orman ho 7 þonan to snaw forda 7 dune ondlong ea to þæm ælrenan stobbe þonan to hwerfel dice swa þonan to wullafes wællan 7 to fasan dæles hyllæ 7 swa þonan to þæm ælrenan stobbe 7 þanon to þæm þyrnbedde 7 swa to cuppan wællan 7 to holan wyllan 7 eft in stanford . 7 seo hid æt earnlege belimpeð into yceantune mid þissum gemærum . æryst of þære burnan in þone holan broc ondlong broces on hwitan lege 7 swa on þone smalan hæð of þæm hæðe in þone longan dic ondlong dices in þone ealdan weg of þæm wege in þa æspan + þonan in pocalege broc 7 swa ondlong broces in þa burnan swa ondlong burnan eft in holan broc . 7 an haga in wærinc wicum into yceantune 7 healf þæt land æt suðham innur 7 uttur on tofte 7 on crofte into yceantune.

Isti sunt testes huius donationis quorum nomina subtus notantur.

+ Ego Æþelred rex et rector Angul Sexna firmam solidatim tribuens signum crucis infigendo subscripsi.
+ Ego Ælfric Dorouernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus.
+ Ego Ealdulf Eborace ciuitatis archiepiscopus.
+ Ego Æþestan . æþeling.
+ Ego Eadmund æþelincg.
+ Ego Ælfeh Wintoniensis aecclesiae episcopus.
+ Ego Wulfstan Lundoniensis aecclesie episcopus.
+ Ego Aþulfus Herefordensis aecclesie episcopus.
+ Ego Ordbyrht episcopus confirmaui.
+ Ego Æþestan episcopus.
+ Ego Leofingc episcopus.
+ Ælfric dux.
+ Ego Ælfylm dux.
+ Ego Leofwine dux.
+ Ego Leofsige dux.
+ Ego Ælfsie abbas.
+ Ego Wulfgar abbas.
+ Ego Leofric abbas.
+ Ego Alfwold abbas.
+ Ego Kenulf abbas.
+ Ego Eadnoð abbas.
+ Ego Ordulf minister.
+ Ego Æþelmær minister.
+ Ego Wulfeh minister.
+ Ego Wulfgeat minister.
+ Ego Æþelric minister.
+ Ego Eadric minister.
+ Ego Wulfric minister.
+ Ego Frana minister.
+ Ego Morcar minister.
+ Ego Osulf minister.
+ Ego Guðmund.
+ Ego Godwine.

Omnis itaque conponimus ut si quis turgido superbie spiritu inflatus paruipendens precepta priorum & hanc subscriptionis nostrae sigillum librumque presolidatum uiolare aut confringere temptauerit sciat se alienatum de terra uiuentium et ante tribunal Christi rationem redditurum.