S 727

A.D. 964. King Edgar to himself; grant of land at Steeple Ashton, Wilts. Latin with English bounds, with addition of bounds of Mideltune.

Archive: Romsey

MSS: BL Lansdowne 442, 36rv (s. xiv)

Printed: B 1127.

Comments: Grundy, Wilts. 1920, pp. 70-5, bounds describe the whole of Steeple Ashton, West Ashton, North Bradley and Southwick; Darlington 1955, p. 93; Stenton 1955, p. 21, authentic; Finberg, ECW, no. 298, authentic; Sawyer, Burton, p. 31, authentic; Keynes 1980, p. 32 n. 51, cited; Meyer 1981, p. 349, cited; Stevenson, Edington Cartulary, p. 24 (no. 46); Reynolds 1992, p. 218 n. 32, p. 219 n. 37 (= 1994, p. 330 n. 34, 333 n. 46); Abrams 1996, p. 175, note on Mideltune bounds; cf. S 298, 715.

Notes: The number of hides has been left blank. The date 968 following the Mideltune bounds is rightly part of S 765, the next charter in the cartulary.

Carta Edgari regis de Ashtone .

Christo regnante theo imperpetuum architectorio qui sua ineffabili rite potentia omnia disponit atque gubernat vicesque homini mirabiliter discernens terminumque incertum prout vult æquanimiter imponens , et de secretis cælorum gloria humanæque naturæ misteriis decet ut cum his fugitivis ævi rebus ac transitoriis possessiunculis jugiter mansura regna Deo largiente adipiscenda sunt .

Quamobrem ego Edgar totius Britannie basileus gubernator et rector quandam nostræ ditionis portiunculam videlicet [ ] cassatos loco qui celebri at Aystone nuncupatur onomate optimatum meorum fruens conciliabulo ad usu mihi devote obsequentium jure adipiscens usurpo hereditario

ut possideam ac tripudians secundum animi motum hilariter perfruar quamdiu vitalis flatus aluerit corpus ; cum autem dissolutionis meæ dies advenerit cuicunque voluerim seu corroboravimus perhenniter derelinquam . Sit autem prædictum rus perpetuali libertate stabilitum et ab omni mundiali regalique coactione inmune cum omnibus que antiquitus antecessorum mortalium reatu ad eundem locum rite pertinere noscuntur , id est campis , pascuis , pratis , silvis , saltuumque densitatibus ,

excepto communi labore expeditione pontis arcisve construxione .

Si quis vero hominum hanc meam donationem cum stultitiæ temeritate jactando infringere certaverit , sit ipse gravibus per colla depressus cathenis inter flammivomas tetrorum dæmonum catervas , nisi prius hic ad satisfactionem venire maluerit .

Anno dominicæ incarnationis DCCCCLXIIII .

Metæ vel bundæ de Æystone . This is the landmarke to Æystone. Ærest on semnit , of semnit on kefle wirtrim , of than wirtrim on mileborne , and thanne on fieltham , of than hamme and lang wereforersdone on cranmere , of than mere on metoldes wille , and thanne on clenansticche , of than sticche on hassukesmor , of than more on holenbrok , thannen on lechmere thanne on rodestan , of than stan on bereburne , of than burne on bis , of bis on mealm , than on alleburne , thanen on fromesetinga hagen , of than hagen on wuntfeld , and thanen on burgredes rode , of thare rode on marcbrok , and thanen on lambbrok , and thanen on haranmere , and thanne on leofede hagen , on bys , of bis on tibbenforde , an thanne on hulpryngmor and thanne on hapeldure hille , of thare hulle on markbrok eft on semnit .

This is the land mark on mideltone on ælferes forde , of than forde on than meddyk , and thanen on than north lang dyk , and of thare dyk , on sevenburges , of sevenburges on hengestes doune of thare doune , on heige weye , of than weye on markescoumbe , of markescoumbe to the swiran , of than swiran on alenthorn , of than thorne eft on than mede .

Anno dominicæ incarnationis . DCCCCLXVIII .