S 280

A.D. 838 (Fræricburna, [Surrey]). Egbert, king, to Beornmod, bishop; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Snodland and Holborough, Kent, with pastures and a viculus in the eastern part of Rochester. Latin.

Archive: Rochester

MSS: 1. BL Cotton Ch. viii. 30 (s. x2; BM Facs., iv. 8)
2. Maidstone, Kent Archives Office, DRc/R1 (Textus Roffensis), 138v-139r (s. xii1; facsimile)
3. Maidstone, Kent Archives Office, DRb/Ar2 (Liver Temporalium), 3r (s. xiv)

Printed: Hearne, Textus Roffensis, pp. 99-100; Thorpe, Reg. Roff., p. 601; K 239; B 418; Earle, pp. 287-8; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 141; Campbell, Rochester, no. 19.

Comments: Bond 1878, p. 7, MS 1 is a later imitation; Stevenson 1904, p. 199 n. 3, a later 10th-century copy; Stenton 1918, p. 451, cited (= Stenton 1970, p. 65); Wallenberg, KPN, pp. 177-9; Campbell, Rochester, p. xiv, MS 1 a copy not earlier than 970, p. xvi, on location, pp. xx-xxii, on estate history, p. xxiii, may be abbreviated; Witney 1976, p. 236, on swine-pastures; Edwards 1988, pp. 285-8, probable fabrication, largely based on genuine charter of Egbert but details of transaction have probably been changed; Keynes 1993/1, p. 122 n. 55, p. 123 n. 61, p. 129, cited.

Notes: The order of witnesses in Campbell's edition is misleading. The three columns should have been read horizontally rather than vertically; cf. B 418.

(1) in a hand of s. x: + Snodinglandes boc: iiii. aratrorum.
(2) in a hand of s. xiii: Rex Ethelbri[ch] dedit Beormodo Episcopo Snodilandí et Holebergí.

+ In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi saluatoris mundi . anno dominice incarnationis . dcccxxx . uiii . indictione .i. Ego . Ecgbearhtus rex cum consensu dilectissimi filii nostri Eðelwulfi regis dabo debotissimo episcopo meo . Beornmodo . aliquam terre partem iuris mei . quattuor . aratrorum . in loco que dicitur Snoddingland 7 et Holanbeorge ut habeat et possideat et cuicumque uoluerit relinquat ita ut predicta terra sit liuera ab omni regali serbitia .

+ Scripta est hec cartula in bica regali . que dicitur Frericburna is testibus consentientibus et subscribentibus quorum infra nomina tenentur . et unam molinam in torrente qui dicitur Holanbeorgesburna . et in monte regis qui'n'quaginta carrabas lingnorum . adiectis . quattuor denberis . Hwetonstede . Heahden . Hese . Helmanhyrst et in oriente ciuitatis Hroui unum uiculum .

+ Egcberht rex
+ Beornmod episcopus
+ Cynred episcopus
+ Eðeluulf dux
+ Eðeluulf dux
+ Eðeluulf rex
+ Ealhstan episcopus
+ Ceolberht episcopus
+ Eanulf dux
+ Eðelheard
+ Cialnoð archiepiscopus
+ Eadhun episcopus
+ Uulfheard dux
+ Herebearht dux