S 254
A.D. 737. Æthelheard, king, to the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Withiel Florey, Somerset, and 3 at Cearn (probably Charmouth, Dorset), in augmentation of Queen Frithugyth's gift of land at Taunton. Latin with English bounds.
Archive: Winchester, Old Minster
MSS: 1. BL Add. 15350, 60v-61r (s. xii)
2. BL Add. 15350, 28r (s. xii; bounds only)
Printed: K 1002; B 158; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 15; Turner 1953, p. 121 ex MS 2.
Comments: Stevenson 1904, p. 201, doubtful; Robinson 1921, p. 36, witnesses may come from genuine charter; Forsberg 1950, p. 172, on a boundary point, suggests Cearn is Charmouth, Dorset; Turner 1953, pp. 124-5, on bounds, suggests that Cearn was on the tidal marshes of the Parret or one of its tributaries, possibly Cerney (lost), near Taunton; Hart 1970/1, p. 27 (no. 51), p. 30 (no. 102), authentic basis; Finberg, ECW, no. 383, authentic basis, cf. chapter 7. especially p. 233, on background of forgery; Wormald 1985, p. 25, unreliable later copy, possibly genuine elements; Edwards 1988, pp. 138-40, extremely dubious, but witness-list may be from genuine charter.
Carta Friðewið reginæ de Tantun .
Domino nostro Jhesu Christo cum coæterno patre et spiritu sancto . in æternum regnante . Anno ejusdem redemptoris nostri . dominicæ incarnationis . dcc.xxxvii ego Æþelheard rex rogatus a Fridogyda . regina ut rus in Tantun . quod Wentanæ æcclesiæ . Petro Pauloque dicatæ . ob iminentis periculi prosperitatem satisfaciendo dederat . augmentarem . Dedi . iiii . mansas ad pecora alenda in Wiðiglea . et . iii. in Cearn ad salinaria construenda . Quantitas harum . vii . manentium furti crimine a possidentibus uno eodemque tempore justo dampnatis judicio ablata est . Et me largiente præfatæ reginæ quæ eam Christo redemptori nostro dederat concessa . Si quis igitur futuro tempore vetustas territorii cartulas . Quæ1 justa de peculii vexatione celando vel furtim diripiendo absconsæ fuerant . in propatulo deinceps manifestaverint ; Et ipsi furti crimine obnoxii habeantur . Et hac renovata vigente territorii cartula 'veteres' pro nichilo habeantur . Maneat igitur predictarum terrarum portio libera preter expeditionem pontis arcisve restaurationem . Hæc sunt confinia supradictarum terrarum .
Ærest on Uþing ford . of ðæs cumbes heafode on ðone smalan weg þurh þone more to wiðig slede þæt to brocenan beorge . swa to wudu forda . þæt to Lulles beorge . swa forð 7lang hærpaðæs to Mægenstanes dæne . swa to wiðig leagate . þæt to næddran beorge . þæt þurh ðone mor bæriht gemære on wiðig mor . ðæt æft on Ucing ford. Ærest of sæ upp on Hængestes ricg . þonan norð on gyrd weg . swa norð 7lang rihges on middeweardna sealtera cumb . þæt bæ cumbæ ingon holan broc . þonne 7lang streames in on hlosmoc . adune on stream on seofan æceras . þær of streame æft on butan seofan æceras . æft suð on hlosmoc . ðæt a dune on stream of ða suran apældran?2 . ðæt suð on þa norð rewe . ðanan eft ofer Cærn on gata forð . ðet suð bufan litlan graf swa suð on earnes hlinc . of earnes hlince æft utt on sæ .
Signum manus Danielis præsulis .
Signum manus Forðhæres præsulis .
Signum manus Æþelheardi regis .
Signum manus Frydogydæ reginæ .
Signum manus Cynegysli abbatis .
Signum manus Æscburgæ abbatissæ .
1 This and the previous two sentences are written in the following order: Si quis..., Et me..., Quæ justa..., but marked for transposition with the letters b, a, c, over the first word of each respectively.