S 248
A.D. 705 or 706 (June). Ine, king (of Wessex), to Beorhtwald, abbot; grant of 20 hides (casati) by the river Tone, 20 hides (manentes) by the river Sheppey (formerly Doulting) and 20 hides west of Corscombe (? North Wootton), all in Somerset. Latin.
Archive: Glastonbury
MSS: Taunton, Somerset Record Office, DD/SAS PR 501 c/795 (s. ?; OS Facs., ii, Taunton; Abrams 1991, plates I, II)
Printed: Davidson 1884, pp. 9-10; B 113; Abrams 1991, p. 133.
Comments: Davidson 1884, pp. 9-13, 18-23; Robinson 1921, p. 31, not genuine in present form; Stevenson 1914, p. 703, dubious or spurious; Finberg, ECW, no. 371, authentic; Bruckner 1965, p. 12 n. 10, probably copy of early 10th century; Scott 1981, pp. 94, 198 n. 87; Wormald 1985, p. 25, broadly trustworthy; Edwards 1988, pp. 27-33, authentic, may be early modern script-facsimile; Abrams 1991, copy of authentic charter, date of MS 1 uncertain, perhaps s. x or xi; Costen 1992, p. 41, on estate; Cubitt 1995, pp. 261-2; Abrams 1996, p. 11, on history of MS 1, pp. 35, 38, on MS sources, pp. 81-2, 96-7, 113-14, 183-4, 200-3, 204-5, 207, 231-2, on estate history; Crick 1997, on script of MS 1.
+ In nomine Domini Dei nostri Iesu Christi saluatoris, ea quæ secundum decreta canonum tractata fuerint, licet sermo tantum ad testimonium sufficeret, tamen pro incerta futuri temporis fortuna cirographorum sedulis sunt roboranda. Quæ propter ego Ini regnante domino rex .lxv. casatos pro remedio animæ meæ Beruualdo abbati uideor contulisse his locorum limitibus
+Ego Bercuualdus archiepiscopus consentiens subscripsi.
+Ego Headda episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Ecce episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Tyrctil episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Uualdarius episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Egguuinus episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Eluuinus episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Aldhelmus episcopus subscripsi.
+Ego Daniel, plebi Dei ministrans, subscripsi.