S 1555

Bounds and customs of Tidenham, Gloucs. English.

Archive: Bath

MSS: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, 73r-74r (s. xii2)

Printed: K vol. iii. 450-1; B 928; Earle, pp. 376-7; Hunt, Bath Carts., p. 18; Robertson, Charters, no. 109 (pp. 204-7), with translation.

Translated: Douglas and Greenaway, EHD II, no. 174 (pp. 879-80).

Comments: Maitland 1897, p. 330; Liebermann, Gesetze, i. 445 n. (a), iii. 245; Grundy, Gloucs., pp. 243-52; Robertson, Charters, pp. 451-4; Finberg, ECWM, no. 176; Finberg 1972, pp. 511-12; Hooke 1985, p. 129; Harvey 1993, pp. 20-1; Faith 1994; Pelteret 1995, p. 179; Faith 1997, pp. 57-8, 77-9, 85, 106, 108-9, 123; Williams 1997/1, p. 51.

On Dyddanhamme synd .xxx. hida .ix. inlandes . 7 .xxi. hida gesettes landes. To Stræt synd .xii. hida .xxvii. gyrda gafollandes . 7 on Sæuerne .xxx. cytweras. To Middeltune .v. hida .xiiii. gyrda gafollandes .xiiii. cytweras on Sæuerne . 7 .ii. hæcweras on Wæge. To Cingestune .v. hida sind .xiii. gyrda gafollandes . 7 .i. hida bufan dic þæt is nu eac gafolland . 7 þæt utan hamme is gyt sum inland . Sum hit is þan scipwealan to gafole gesett. To Cyngestune on Sæuerne .xxi. cytwera . 7 on Wæge .xii. To Bispestune Synd .iii. hida . 7 .xv. cytweras . on Wæge. On Landcawet synd .iii. hida . 7 .ii. hæcweras on Wæge . 7 .ix. cytweras. Ofer eall þæt land gebyrað at gyrde .xii. pænegan. 7 .iiii. ælmespenegan. Æt ælcum were þe binnan þam .xxx. hidan is . gebyreð æfre se oðer fisc þam landhlaforde . 7 ælc seldsynde fisc þe weordlic byð . styria . 7 mereswyn . healic oðer sæfisc . 7 nah man nænne fisc wið feo to syllanne þone hlaford on land byð ær man hine him gecyðe. Of Dyddanhamme gebyreð micel weorcrædæn . Se geneat sceal wyrcan swa on lande . swa of lande . swa hweðer swa him man byt . 7 ridan . 7 auerian . 7 lade lædan . drafe drifan . 7 fela oðra ðinga don . Se gebur sceal his riht don . he sceal erian healfne æcer . to wiceworce . 7 ræcan sylf þæt sæd on hlafordes berne . gehalne to cyrcscette sahweþætere of his agenum berne to werbolde .xl. mæra oððe an foþer gyrda . oððe .viii. geocu byld .iii. ebban tyne . æcertyninge .xv. gyrda . oððe diche . v tyne . 7 dicie .i. gyrde burhheges . ripe oðer healfne æcer . mawe healfne . on oþran weorcan wyrce . a be weorces mæþe . Sylle .vi. pennegan ofer Estre . healfne sester hunies . to hlafmæssan .vi. systres mealtes . to Martines mæsse an cliwen godes nett gernes. On ðam sylfum lande stent se ðe .vii. swyn hæbbe þæt he sylle .iii. 7 swa forð a þæt teoþe . 7 ðæs naþulæs mæstenrædene þonne mæsten beo.