S 1495

s. x/xi. Æthelflæd to St Paul's minster, London; bequest of land at Laver, Essex, and at Cockhampstead, Herts. English.

Archive: London, St Paul's

MSS: London, St Paul's, D. & C., Liber B, 20v (s. xiii; lost)

Printed: Mon. Angl., iii. 303; Dugdale, St Paul's, p. 187; Dugdale, St Paul's (2nd edn), Appendix, p. 11; K 972; Thorpe, pp. 542-3, with translation; Whitelock, Wills, no. 22 (p. 66), with translation, p. 67.

Comments: Whitelock, Wills, pp. 175-6, authentic, witnesses impossible, but probably supplied by a copyist; Whitelock 1943, p. 122, on witness-list; Whitelock et al. 1968, p. 19 n. 1, spurious; Hart, ECE, no. 37, authentic basis; HRH, p. 236, ? c. 1004 x 1014, probably basically genuine, though subscriptions are inconsistent; Gelling, ECTV, no. 178, citing Whitelock, spurious; Keynes 1991, p. 80 n. 83, cited, on testatrix; cf. S 908.

a Her swutelað on ðam cwide ðe Egelfled gecweden hæfð god to lofe 7 hire saule to ðerfe 7 hire hlafordes, þæt is þonne ða feower hida landes æt Lagefare 7 twa hida æt Cochæmstede, þe hy gean for hire saule 7 for hire hlafordes into S. Paules mynstre on Lundene ðan gebroðran to big-leofan ðam þe þær dæghamlice god ðeniað be ðes cynges fulle geleuen Æðelredes on ðera manna gewitnesse ðe heora naman her standað, þæt is þonne Egelnoð arcebiscop 7 Wulfstan arcebiscop 7 Ælfhun biscop on Lundene 7 Ælfric abbot 7 Wigard abbot 7 Ælsi abbot on Coppanforde 7 Ælfere ealdorman 7 Brihtnoð ealdorman 7 Ædric ældorman 7 Ælfsige cynges þegn 7 Ufegeat scireman 7 Frena cynges þegn 7 swa hwilc man swa ðisne cwide awende sy he Iudas gefere ðe urne drihten belewde en helle pite.