S 1481d

? s. xi1. List of estates liable for work on Rochester bridge. The places named are: Borstal, Cuxton, Frindsbury, Stoke, Gillingham, Chatham, Halling, Trottiscliffe, Malling, (South) Fleet, Stone, Pinden, Fawkham, Aylesford, Overhill (in Boxley), Oakley, Cossington, Dowdes, Gisleardesland, Wouldham, Burham, Eccles, Horsted, Farleigh, Teston, Chalk, Henhurst, Haven, Wrotham, Maidstone, Wateringbury, Nettlestead, the two Peckhams, Hadlow, Mereworth, Leybourne, Swanton, Offham, Ditton, Westerham, Hollingbourne, Hoo, Northfleet, Bishops Cliffe, Higham, Denton, Milton, Luddesdown, Meopham, Snodland, Birling and Paddlesworth, all in Kent.

Archive: Rochester

MSS: Maidstone, Kent Archives Office, DRc/R1 (Textus Roffensis), 166v (s. xii1; facsimile)

Printed: English
Robertson, Charters, no. 52 (pp. 106-8), with translation.

Lambarde, Perambulation, pp. 419-24; Hearne, Textus Roffensis, pp. 379-82; B 1322.

Comments: Ward 1934; Robertson, Charters, pp. 351-5; Tatton-Brown 1984, p. 15; Brooks 1992/1; Brooks 1994.

Þis is þære bricce geweorc on Hroucæstre . Her syndon genamad þa land þe man hi of scæl weorcan . ærest þære burge biscop fehð on þone earm to wercene þa land peran . 7 þreo gyrda to þillianæ . 7 .iii. sylla to lyccanne . þæt is of Borcstealle . 7 of Cucclestane . 7 of Frinondesbyrig . 7 of stoce .

Þanne seo oðer per gebyraþ to Gyllingeham . 7 to Cætham . 7 an gyrd to þillanne . 7 iii sylla to leccanne.

Þonne seo þridde per gebyrað eft þam biscope . 7 þridde healf gyrd to þillianne . 7 iii. sylla to leccenne . of Heallingan . 7 of Trotescliue . 7 of Meallingan . 7 of Fliote . 7 of Stane . 7 of Pinindene . 7 of Falchenham.

Þonne is se feorðe þe per þæs cinges . 7 fiorðe healf gyrd to þillanne . 7 sylla .iii. to leccanne . of Æglesforda . 7 of ellan þam læþe þe þær toliþ . 7 of Ufanhylle . 7 of Aclea . 7 of þam smalanlande . 7 of Cusintune . 7 of Dudeslande . 7 of Gisleardeslande . 7 of Wuldeham 7 of Burhham 7 of Æcclesse . 7 of Horstede . 7 of Fearnlege . 7 of Cærstane . 7 of Cealce . 7 of Hennhyste . 7 of Ædune.

Þonne is sy fifte per þæs arcebiscope to Wroteham . 7 to Mægþanstane . 7 to Woþringabyran . 7 to Netlestede . 7 to þam twam Peccham . 7 to Hæselholte . 7 to Mæranwyrþe . 7 to Lillanburnan . 7 to Swanatune . 7 to Offaham . 7 to Dictune . 7 to Westerham . 7 iiii. gyrda to þyllanne . 7 iii. selle to leccanne;

Þonne is syo syoxte per to Holinganburnan . 7 to eallan þam læþe . 7 iiii. gyrda to þelliene . 7 iii. sylla to leccenne.

Þonne is syo syoueþe . 7 syo eahteþe per to Howaran lande to wyrcenne . 7 fifte healf gyrd to þillanne . 7 vi. sylla to lyccanne.

Þonne is syo nigaþa per þæs arcebiscopes . þæt is syo landper æt þam west ænde . to Flyote . 7 to his Cliue . 7 to Hehham . 7 to Denetune . 7 to Melantune . 7 to Hludesdune . 7 to Meapeham . 7 to Snodilande . 7 to Berlingan . 7 to Peadleswyrþe . 7 ealla þa dænewaru . 7 iiii. gyrdu to þilianne . 7 þryo sylle to leccanne.