S 1326

A.D. 969. Oswald, bishop, to his kinsman Osulf, the cniht; lease, for three lives, of land at Teddington and Alstone, Gloucs., with reversion first to Eadleofu, his wife (if his children do not survive), and then to two of her brothers, with ultimate reversion to the church of Worcester. English.

Archive: Worcester

MSS: 1. BL Add. Ch. 19792 (s. x2; BM Facs., iii. 28; Keller 1906, no. 5)
2. BL Cotton Tib. A. xiii, 83v-84r (s. xi1)

Printed: Hearne, Heming, pp. 177-9; K 557; Sweet, Second Reader, pp. 221-2 (no. 32); B 1233; Robertson, Charters, no. 46 (pp. 96-7), with translation.

Comments: Bond 1878, MS 1 is contemporary; Robertson, Charters, pp. 342-3; Ker, Catalogue, p. xxviii, on script; Finberg, ECWM, no. 116, authentic; Bullough 1990, pp. 19-21, on beneficiary; Dumville 1993, p. 153 n. 71, cited, with reference to script; Dumville 1994, p. 154 n. 123, cited; Baker and Holt 1996, pp. 138-9, on estate; Bullough 1996, p. 11, on beneficiary; King 1996, pp. 103, 108, 110; Wareham 1996, pp. 54-5, 59-61, on beneficiary.

Notes: Upper portion of chirograph (CYROGRAVVM). Number of hides left blank. Rubric in MS 2 refers to Leo...n (? Leofrun; Robertson suggests Leofa) and Wihtgar, who were presumably the second and third lives.

Endorsements in MS 1:
(1) in contemporary hand: Teotintun
(2) in contemporary hand: Eadgar cyng .
(3) in hand of s. xiv: Tedinton
Marginal note in MS 2: [Te]ottinctun . 7 Ælfsi[ge]stun Osulfe . Leo[fa]n . 7 Wihtgare.

Px Ic Oswold bisceop þurh Godes gefe mid geþafunge 7 leafe Eadgares Angulkynincges 7 Ælfheres Mercna heretogan 7 þæs hieredes on Wiogerneceastre landes sumne dæl þæt sint . . hida on twuam tunum þe fram cuþum mannum Teottingctun 7 Ælfsigestun sint gehatenne sumum cnihte þæm is Osulf nama for Godes lufan 7 for uncre sibbe mid eallum þingum tofreon þe þærto belimpað his dæg forgeaf 7 æfter his dæge twam erf'e'weardum þæt beo his bearn swilc lengest mote gief him þæt giefeþe bið æfter þara bearna dæge fo Eadleofu to his gebedde hire dæg æfter hire dæge becweþe hire broþrum twam swilc hire leofest sy æfter hieora dæge eft into þære halgan stowe. Sy hit ælces þinges freoh butan ferdfare 7 walgeweorc 7 brygcgeweorc þis wæs godon ymbe nigon hund wintra 7 nigon 7 seoxtig þæs þe drihtnes gebyrdtide wæs . on þy nigoþan geare þæs þe Oswold bisceop to folgaþe fengc. Sancta Maria 7 sanctus Michahel cum sancto Petro 7 eallum Godes halgum gemiltsien þis healdendum gief hwa buton gewyrhtum hit awendan wille God adilgie his noman of lifes bocum 7 habbe him gemæne wið hine on þam ytemestan dæge þysses lifes butan he to rihtere bote gecerre.

+ Her is seo hondseten Oswoldes bisceopes 7 unna þæs hierdes on Wiogernaceastre.
+ Wulfric mæssepreost .
+ Eadgar mæssepreost .
+ Æþelstan mæssepreost .
+ Wistan mæssepreost .
+ Ælfred clerc
+ Wulfhun clerc
+ Brihstan clerc
+ Wulfgar clerc
+ Cynsige cl
+ Ælfstan cl
+ Eadwine cl
+ Ælfgar cl
+ Eadward cl
+ Tuna cl
+ Ufic cl
+ Wulfheah cl
+ Leofwine cl
+ Wulfnoð cl