S 1116
A.D. 1061 x 1065. Writ of King Edward declaring that Alfred has sold to Bishop Giso his land at Litton, Somerset. English and Latin versions.
Archive: Wells
MSS: Wells, D. & C., Liber Albus I, 14rv (s. xiii; both versions)
Printed: Hickes, Inst. Gramm., pp. 136, 160; K 839; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 286 (no. 3); Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 47; Harmer, Writs, no. 69 (pp. 282-3), with translation.
Translated: Douglas and Greenaway, EHD II, no. 31 (p. 460).
Comments: Harmer, Writs, pp. 274, 489-90, authentic; Finberg, ECW, no. 540, authentic; Crosby 1994, pp. 48-50, on background; Keynes 1997, pp. 239, 256, on background.
Edward king gret Harold erl 7 Touid minne schyrerefen 7 alle mine þeynes inne Sumersæten frendliche. And ich keþe eu þat Ælfred hauet yseld Gise bissop his land æt Hlytton sacleas and clane toforan me siluen æt Peddredan on mine iwetnesse 7 on Eadithe mine ibedden 7 on Haroldes ærles 7 on manegra oþra manna þe mid me þar waren. Nu wil ich þat se bissop beo þas londes worthe into his bissopriche þe he under honde hauet and alch þare þinge þæs þe þær to mid richte gebyrað mid saca 7 mid socna swo ful 7 so furth/ swo hit ænige bissoppe formest on honde stod on ællen þingan. And gyf þar sy anni þing out gedon þas þe þar into hyrð ich beode þat man hit lete in ongean comen þæt non oþer ne sy.