S 1104

A.D. 1042 x 1066. Writ of King Edward declaring that his priests in St Pauls's minster shall be entitled to sake and soke within borough and without, and to as good laws as they ever had in the time of any king or any bishop; and they shall not receive into their community any more priests than their estates can bear and they themselves desire. English.

Archive: London, St Paul's

MSS: 1. Cambridge, U.L., Ee. 5. 21, 97r (s. xv)
2. Cambridge, U.L., Ee. 5. 21, 128rv (s. xv)
3. BL Cotton Jul. C. vii, 198v (s. xvi/xvii)
4. BL Harley R. I. 1 (s. xv)
5. BL Lansdowne 446, 91r (s. xviii)
6. BL Stowe 666, 67v (s. xviii)
7. PRO Ch.R. 9 Edw. II, m. 2
8. PRO Ch.R. 12 Edw. III., m. 8
9. PRO Ch.R. 11-13 Ric. II, m. 22
10. PRO Ch.R. 5-20, Hen. VI, no. 12
11. PRO Pat. R. 2 Hen. VI. pt 3, mm. 15-14
12. PRO Conf. R. 5, no. 10 (s. xv)
13. PRO Conf. R. 11, no. 9 (s. xv)
14. PRO Conf. R. 16, no. 11 (s. xv)
15. PRO DL 42/149, 113r (s. xvi)
16. London, St Paul's, D. & C., A Box 69, dorse (s. xiii) [check Guildhall no.]
17. London, Guildhall, 25501, 1r (s. xiii)
18. London, St Paul's, D. & C., Liber B, 21v (s. xiii; lost)
19. Bodleian, James 25, p. 155 (s. xvii)
20. Oxford, Exeter Coll., 137, 91r (s. xvii)

Printed: Dugdale, St Paul's, p. 190 ex MS 18; Mon. Angl., iii. 304; Dugdale, St Paul's (2nd edn), Appendix, p. 14; K 887; Thorpe. p. 416, Gibbs 1939, p. 9; Harmer, Writs, no. 54 (p. 242) ex Dugdale, with translation.

Comments: Gibbs 1939, p. xxi; Harmer, Writs, pp. 237-9, 469-70, probably an authentic basis with interpolation; Gelling, ECTV, no. 253, citing Harmer, some tampering, but authentic; Keynes 1988, p. 216 n. 183; Crosby 1994, p. 314.

Notes: MS 3 is a 'facsimile' copy of the original, with reproduction of its seal (see also MS 15).

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