S 1100

A.D. 1045 x 1066, possibly 1055 x 1066. Writs of King Edward announcing that he has appointed Wulfric to the office of abbot of Ely with full privileges. English and Latin versions.

Archive: Ely

MSS: English
1. Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 1, 79r (s. xii2)
2. Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 41, p. 104 (s. xii med.)
3. Ely, D. & C., Liber Eliensis, 77r (s. xiii)
4. BL Cotton Tib. A. vi, 102v-103r (s. xii2)
5. Bodleian, James 10, p. 90 (s. xvii)
6. Bodleian, Laud. Misc. 647, 47v (s. xii)

7. Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 1, 79r (s. xii)
8. Ely, D. & C., Liber Eliensis, 77r (s. xiii)

Printed: Harmer, Writs, no. 47 (pp. 224-5) ex MSS 4, 7, with translation; Blake, Liber Eliensis, p. 164 ex MS 8; Councils and Synods, no. 68 (p. 521).

Comments: Harmer, Writs, pp. 222-4, 464, authentic; Ker, Catalogue, p. 137 (no. 93), art. b, on MS 1, pp. 150-1 (no. 113), art b., on MS 2; Blake, Liber Eliensis, p. 419; Councils and Synods, pp. 520-1; Keynes 1988, p. 216 n. 183; Crosby 1994, p. 154, authentic; Keynes 1997, p. 240 n.

Eadward kyng gret ealle mine biscopes 7 mine eorlas 7 mine scirgereuan 7 ealle mine þegenas on þam sciran þer þa lande to liggað/ into Ely freondlice. & ic kyþe eow þæt ic habbe geunnen Wlfrice þæt abbodrice in Hely on eallan þingan binnan burgan 7 butan, toll 7 team 7 infangenþeof, fyhtwite 7 fyrdwite, hamsocne 7 gryþbryce, sitte his man þer þar he sitte wyrce þæt he wyrce. 7 nelle ic geþauian þat ænig man him/ of handa ateo nan þæra þinge þæs þe/ ic him geunnen hæbbe. God eow gehælde.